How to Heal Candida Naturally at Home?

Candida is a very common fungal infection that affects men and women equally, it can be serious and confusing for many, as its symptoms are incredibly  varied. These can include fatigue, cravings for sweets, bad breath, a white coating on the tongue, brain  fog, joint pain, digestive issues, recurrent vaginal and urinary tract infection in women and more. While Candida, in proper levels, plays a beneficial role in  aiding nutrient absorption and digestion, an overgrowth can lead to a wide range of negative and serious  health problems.  It is crucial to have a good immune system to keep candida under control, and prevent fungal overgrowth and infection. Healthy lifestyle, healthy diet and certain factors play a big role in controlling our immune system and therefore fungal and other infections. If left untreated, fungal infection can lead to a lot of complications such as SIBO, leaky gut, neurological side effects and having a high level of toxins in the blood. Thankfully this article can guide you to navigate your way in how to keep candida infection under control and moreover Dr. Fajer has many health protocols that can help you to eradicate candida infection naturally and prevent it in the future

What Is Candida: 

Candida, particularly Candida albicans, is the most common type of yeast infection found in the mouth,  intestinal tract, and vagina (vaginal/genital candidiasis), and it may also affect the skin and other mucous  membranes. It is a type of microorganism that lives in your digestive system and naturally exists in the  body in small amounts, typically around 2-3%. 

When the immune system is functioning optimally, this type of yeast infection is rarely serious. However,  when it grows excessively, it can cause significant health issues. In addition to the common symptoms of  candida, individuals who have never experienced a serious yeast infection might suddenly develop new  sensitivities, allergies, or intolerances to various foods, including dairy, eggs, corn, and gluten. 

Candida Symptoms

If you’re concerned about having Candida or Candida Overgrowth Syndrome, here are important symptoms to be aware of:

  1. Ongoing Intestinal Distress: A particularly uncomfortable symptom of Candida overgrowth, manifesting as persistent gas, burping, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or stomach cramps. This distress often results from an imbalance of healthy bacteria in the gut, leading to complications such as Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and leaky gut. These conditions can further contribute to autoimmune responses and diseases, as well as symptoms like indigestion and poor nutrient absorption.
  2. Recurring Vaginal and Urinary Tract Infections
  3. Skin and Nail Fungal Infections
  4. White Coating on the Tongue: Also known as oral thrush, this is a common sign of excessive Candida growth.
  5. Scalp Infection and Dandruff

Candida overgrowth can also lead to more unusual and severe symptoms, including:

  • Migraines
  • Brain Fog and Difficulty Concentrating
  • Hormonal Imbalance in Women: As Candida proliferates, it can secrete a substance that mimics estrogen, leading to toxic effects and exacerbating premenstrual symptoms.
  • Psychological Symptoms: Persistent feelings of fear, anxiety, and depression, which can significantly impact mental health. These emotional disturbances often include mood swings and general feelings of sluggishness, contributing to a chronic sense of fatigue that doesn’t improve with rest.

Root Causes of Candida: 

There are numerous potential causes of candida, including a diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and  alcohol, all of which can fuel candida growth. In addition, here are six other possible causes: 

  1. Excessive Consumption of Simple Carbohydrates and Sugars: Consuming large amounts of these  foods can promote the overgrowth of Candida, as these fungi thrive on such nutrients. To manage  Candida, it’s important to eliminate simple sugars, including natural ones like date syrup, and  replace them with alternatives like stevia or monk fruit sweetener. 
  2. Diabetes: In individuals with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, sugar levels in the mouth and other  mucous membranes are typically higher than in those without diabetes. Since candida is a type of  yeast that feeds on sugar, it’s understandable that people with diabetes are at a greater risk of  developing candida overgrowth syndrome. 
  3. Reduced Levels of Beneficial Gut Bacteria: Beneficial bacteria in the digestive system act as  guardians, protecting you from harmful fungi, worms, germs, and bacteria. These bacteria live  alongside immune cells, helping to stimulate and activate the immune system to produce immune  cells and antibodies that destroy harmful organisms. The balance of beneficial bacteria can be  weakened by: 
  • An unhealthy lifestyle and a diet that is poor in leafy green and colorful vegetables
  • Overuse of antibiotics, whether after a course of treatment for an infection or for any  other inflammation, or the high consumption of commercial dairy which are rich in antibiotics
  • Suffering from Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) 
  • A deficiency in stomach acid 
  • Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.
  • Glyphosate on unwashed fruits and vegetables.
  • Chronic stress and lack of sleep can reduce stomach acid and increase cortisol levels, which harms beneficial gut bacteria.
  • Artificial sweeteners such as saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose can kill good gut bacteria.
  1. Chronic Elevation of Cortisol: Chronic stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, and ongoing pressures can lead  to an increase in cortisol levels. High cortisol levels suppress and weaken the immune system,  contributing to the overgrowth of candida. 
  2. Frequent Travel: Constant traveling and moving from one country to another can also be a  contributing factor. 
  3. Low immunity: This can result from chronic stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, diabetes (type 1 or 2),  obesity, or the chronic use of corticosteroid inhalers for asthma. It’s important to rinse your  mouth with water and coconut oil after using inhalers to kill and prevent the growth of fungi in  the mouth.

Necessary Tests: 

  1. Candida Antibodies: There are two types of candida antibodies to check:

o Candida IgM: If elevated, it indicates a current candida infection. 

o Candida IgG: If elevated, it suggests a history of fungal infections, but not a current  infection. 

  1. ESR and CRP: These markers are typically elevated in all types of fungal and bacterial infections.
  2. Stool Analysis: This test helps detect the presence of candida in the digestive tract.
  3. For Women: A vaginal swab can be performed to detect vaginal fungal infections.

 Natural Healing: 

Dr. Fajer’s protocol for treating candida and fungal infections naturally without medication is a three-step  approach: 

  1. Step One: Starving Candida and Fungi 

o Studies have shown that completely cutting out carbohydrates in a candida diet, such as  in the keto diet, is completely ineffective for treating candida. The key is choosing the right  types of carbohydrates. 

o Replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones and eliminate all simple sugars. It’s  important to consume these carbohydrates with a balanced meal that includes non starchy vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats. Focus on low-sugar fruits like berries and  papaya, while avoiding high-sugar fruits like dried fruits. 

o Note: Avoid foods that cause allergies or intolerances for at least two months, especially  eggs, dairy, and cheese. Also, steer clear of foods that promote inflammation, such as  hydrogenated oils, processed meats, and canned foods. 

  1. Step Two: Eliminating Candida 

o Use natural antibiotics like coconut oil. Since these are potent antifungal and  antibacterial agents, they can be applied two to three times daily to areas affected by  eczema or skin fungi. If you have a white coating on your tongue, you can swish with a  tablespoon of coconut oil for 10 minutes daily. 

o For Women: If you suffer from vaginal fungal infections, apply coconut oil to the affected  area and leave it on overnight for a week. 

Furthermore, there are a lot of natural antibiotics and other natural supplements as part of the candida protocol that will be tailored towards your needs and conditions. For more information please visit this link:

IBS SIBO Program

  1. Step Three: Preventing Future Candida Overgrowth 

o Strengthen and activate your immune system using remedies like turmeric., ginger and other natural herbs that boost your immunity

Candida Die-Off Symptoms: Rapidly killing off candida can trigger a metabolic reaction that releases  over 70 different toxins into your body. Symptoms indicating that the candida cleanse and diet are  working include:

  • Impaired brain function 
  • Headache 
  • Fatigue 
  • Dizziness 
  • Intestinal distress (bloating, gas, constipation, nausea) 
  • Sweating and fever 
  • Sinus infection 
  • Skin breakouts (not limited to the face) 
  • Flu-like symptoms 

When you begin to experience die-off symptoms, it’s actually a positive sign! These symptoms usually clear up within seven to ten days as Candida is flushed out of your body. In a few weeks, you’ll likely notice increased energy, better focus, and relief from other symptoms. To alleviate and reduce die-off symptoms, aim to drink 2 liters of clear liquids daily, such as water, bone broth, and herbal tea. Engage in activities like working out or walking for 20 minutes a day to encourage sweating and help eliminate toxins. Additionally, support your liver’s detoxification by consuming green juice, raw beetroot juice, and natural supplements like milk thistle.

Once your symptoms have subsided and you’ve completed the cleanse, you can move on to maintaining  your health and preventing future overgrowth.

To learn more about candida and it’s natural treatments, please refer to Dr. Fajer Aljumairi YouTube channel and watch this episode: