Gut bacteria the miracle creatures

Did you know that there are billions of bacteria and other species that lives in our digestive tracts?

These invisible creatures deliver a miraculous function in our body! They are responsible to boost our immunity , secrets happiness hormones that affects our mood and sleep , they are also responsible for digestion and absorption of vital nutrient and they are responsible to determine our basic metabolic rate . If we keep our gut bacteria happy , we will assure a healthy body and mind .

However unfortunately with modern lifestyle and the introduction of packages , processed and fats food! Our gut bacteria started to die off and get replaced by the evil gut bacteria ! These unfriendly species will destroy your gut by causing inflammation and leaky gut ! A condition called SIBO! With time this will progress to leaky gut that will lead to many other illnesses like insulin resistance , Hashimoto thyroiditis, depression , fatigue , brain fog , arthritis and autoimmune diseases.

How can we prevent all of that? We can by keeping out healthy gut bacteria Alive though healthy lifestyle and food such as drinking green juice, eating lots of fruit and veggies , sleeping well through the night and exercising! It is that easy! Let’s make out gut bacteria happy today!